MENOPAUSE Female Fertility Tests. FSH Test Strips 25mIU/ml 5 Test Pack
One Step Home FSH Female Fertility/Menopause Test Kit Strip (Urine)
A woman’s fertility starts to decline after she gets to 30 but what you probably did not know is that the hormone FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is intimately involved with a woman’s fertility and rising levels tend to be associated with reduced fertility/menopause. FSH is the hormone that maintains the regular function of your ovaries and sex hormones and it is a useful aid to assessing your fertility. This test is especially useful for women with irregular cycles and also women aged 30 or over.
This Female Fertility Test detects FSH in urine at concentrations of 25mIU/mL or greater. This test kit includes individually foiled FSH Tests Strips and complete instructions. Directions for Use
Read all instructions carefully.
Determine the day to begin testing. You should take the first test on Day 3 i.e. 3 days after you start your period. Test 2 should be carried out 7 days later and the third test 7 days after the second test on so on.
Collect a urine sample in a clean and dry container.
To begin testing, open the sealed pouch and remove the strip. Do not remove the strip until you are ready to begin testing.
With the arrows pointing downwards towards the urine, place the test strip vertically (straight) into the urine sample, for at least 10 seconds. DO NOT allow the urine to go above the MAX (maximum) level line.
Remove the strip from the urine and place on a clean, dry surface. For best results you should read the results at 5 minutes.
Wait for coloured bands to appear. Depending on the concentration of FSH in the urine specimen, positive results may be observed in as short as 40 seconds. Do not read the result after 10 minutes. A positive result is where the test line is as dark or darker than the control line.
The first morning urine contains the highest level of FSH and is the best for testing. Urine collected during the day will contain lower levels of FSH and may cause false negatives. Do not drink excess fluids after midnight before testing in the morning.
Store at room temperature 15-30 C (59-86 F)
For in-vitro diagnostic use only. Not for internal use.
Keep away from children.
Each test should be used only once. Discard after use.
Understanding your results
Positive - If the test result is positive, then you must repeat the test one week later using the second test to confirm the result. FSH elevates for short periods in normal cycles but it is the extended elevation of FSH, which could indicate a fertility problem or pre- menopausal state. If the second and/or the third test is also positive you should make an appointment to visit your doctor. A positive result means that FSH levels are high, which can be an indicator of pre-menopausal state and if symptoms such as irregular periods, hot flushes, mood swings, insomnia and fatigue exist, you should discuss your result and symptoms with your doctor.
Negative - A Negative Test result indicates that your FSH levels are not raised. However, if you do have irregular periods or any menopausal-like symptoms we still recommend you see your doctor.
Invalid - If a red line appears in the test region but there is no visible line at all in the control region of the strip then the test is invalid. If no lines appear anywhere on the test strip then the test is also invalid and should be repeated using another test strip.